“John Knox is a translation expert, with a flair for finding the right word and making the text flow.”
Manfred Schnitzlein
Work Sample
As a translator, I recognise the importance of conveying the precise meaning of a text including nuances, tone etc. This takes readers’ attention away from the fact that they are reading a translation and allows them to focus more on the subject matter itself. It also adds credibility to the text, thus improving the likelihood of a positive outcome, or simply benefiting the client’s image. I use state-of-the-art translation software and technology. I can also offer extra quality assurance for texts with high exposure, such as press releases.
Most of my translation work is in the following areas: finance, life insurance/pensions, reinsurance, sustainability, marketing and PR. My language combinations are: English-German/German-English/French-English/Italian-English.
Please feel free to get in touch. I would be happy to answer your questions and provide a quote for your job.
Contact details:
John Knox
Höflistrasse 69b
8135 Langnau am Albis
e-mail jknox@knoxit.ch
Tel. +41 79 742 6773